/notsigned for this idea, interesting but no.
If I would play as my heroes I think something along the lines of the bmp would be more fun.
You can play as say... Xandra when she was still back at the turtle clan and her way to eotn. Or Tahlkora as she returns home after the events in nightfall. Play Pyre as he tries to avoid capture by the other charr.
Simply something adding to the lore around the heroes, I think some of them have some quite interesting background stories and/or makes me wonder what happens to them next.
Maybe say you buy it like you do the bmp, but you need the hero unlocked, you then gain an option when hero is in your party to trigger the heros story. Hero will keep the skills you gave him/her. (having a set build like in the bmp missions would be ok too, but I would like making own builds better)